I've worked on a wide range of both personal and business projects. These are a few of the projects I've been involved in.
TEXTUTILSCreated with passion for enhancing your text-related tasks, TextUtils is designed to be your one-stop digital toolkit for all things textual. Build with ReactJS library and Bootstrap for styling.
A SEO friendly travel website made using HTML, CSS, BootStrap and JavaScript that can be used to browse different cities and adventures and make reservations. Improved UI/UX with multi-select filters, forms, image carousels and conditional rendering of page elements. Utilized local storage to persist user preference at client-side and facilitated reservation form submission using fetch API. with more features and enhancements.
QKART FRONTENDImplemented the core logic for authentication, shopping cart, and checkout of an E-commerce application with popping messages using notistack snackbar. Improved UI by adding responsive design elements for a uniform experience across different devices.Utilized REST APIs to load and render data served by the backend server.Loading the products, add to cart, and checkout page as per authorization with search bar using debouncing.
EXPENSE TRACKERThe Expense Tracker is a dynamic, full-stack application built with Firebase that enables users to track and manage their expenses in real-time. The application integrates essential functionalities such as Google Sign-In for user authentication, Firebase Realtime Database for seamless data storage and retrieval, JWT (JSON Web Tokens) for secure user sessions, and local storage for persistent user sign-ins. It also offers a user-friendly interface with advanced features like adding, editing, deleting expenses, and visualizing spending patterns using a pie chart.
E-COMMERCE APPLICATIONDeveloped a full-featured e-commerce mobile application using React Native for cross-platform compatibility with user authentication, utilizing Axios for API calls and Redux for state management. Integrated key features such as Google Maps, Google Sign-In, and Razorpay for secure payments. Designed and implemented a NodeJS backend with MongoDB Atlas for data storage, using Mongoose for schema modeling. Secured user authentication with bcrypt for password hashing and Joi for input validation. Utilized middlewares to ensure efficient request handling and enhance application security. Implemented Jwt tokens for persistent user login. Utilized Git for version control and pushed code regularly to ensure code quality and adherence to best practices. Download APK
BLOGBREEZEBlogBreeze - the ultimate coding companion for developers! Discover, Create, and Connect: With BlogBreeze, developers can explore a vast array of coding blogs, manage their own posts, and curate a collection of favorites, all within a single platform. Dive into the world of coding and unleash your creativity like never before! Seamlessly Share Your Insights: BlogBreeze empowers developers to share their knowledge and expertise with the community. Upload your own posts, engage with like-minded developers, and elevate your coding journey to new heights.
Note : These projects are hosted on a free instance of Render which might take a while to load.